If you missed one of our recent webinars or events, we invite you to view the recordings and resources. The events listed below provide the video link, presentation, and resources (if available).
May 2024:
April 2024:
- 4/20/24: A Company of Authors
January 2024:
November 2023:
September 2023:
- 9/13/23: Discover Stanford for You: Exploring the Impact of Guns in Homes and Society
- 9/20/2023: Think Faster, Talk Smarter: How to Speak Successfully When You're Put on the Spot
April 2023:
March 2023:
November 2022:
October 2022:
September 2022:
June 2022:
- 6/9/22: Making Hybrid Meetings Matter
- 6/15/22: Research Never Retires: How to Start a Research Project at Any Life Stage
May 2022:
- 5/17/22: Stanford and UChicago in Conversation: Inventing the Renaissance
- 5/26/22: Bird Migration: Opportunity Wants A Map
April 2022:
- 4/20/22: Discover Stanford for You: Community & Responsibility: Stanford Stories of the Past and Meaning for the Present
- 4/23/22: A Company of Authors
February 2022:
- 2/17/22: Stanford and UChicago in Conversation: Why Philanthropy Is Failing Democracy, and How to Redeem
January 2022:
- 1/19/22: Wintertime Mindsets: Norwegian Strategies for Enjoying Winter
- 1/26/22: Discover Stanford for You: Scholarship & Partnership Help Oakland Students Thrive
November 2021:
October 2021:
September 2021:
June 2021:
April 2021:
- 4/24/21: A Company of Authors (Spring 2021)
February 2021:
- 2/10/21: Discover Stanford for You: Stanford's Legacy, COVID-19 Vaccines, and Climate Change Solutions
- 2/24/21: Webinar: Building Resilience with Antoine de Morrée
November 2020:
- 11/13/20: Student Author Showcase (Online Writing Certificate Reading Event)
- 11/21/20 & 11/22/20: Teach Your Class Online (Weekend Workshop)
October 2020:
- 10/24/20: A Company of Authors
September 2020:
- 9/9/20: Monumental Questions: Race, Memory, and the Current Struggle Over Confederate Memorials
- 9/23/20: How Exercise Helps Us Find Happiness, Hope, Connection, and Courage in the Time of COVID
August 2020:
July 2020:
- 7/1/20: The Black Lives Matter Movement and the Power of Protest
- 7/13/20 - 7/17/20: Teaching Your Class Online (Days 1 - 5)