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Spring Quarter

Spring Registration Now Open
Most Classes Begin Mar 31
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Libraries & Bookstore
WiFi Access
Academic Calendar

Libraries & Bookstore

Stanford Libraries are not currently accessible to Continuing Studies students.


Stanford Bookstore

Textbooks are available at the Stanford Bookstore, on the lower level, in a section designated "Continuing Studies." Required textbooks and course readers are generally available two weeks prior to the start of the quarter. A 7% discount is applied to purchases at checkout (excluding digital materials).

Bookstore Hours:
Monday through Friday: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday: 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
*Bookstore hours may vary throughout the quarter. To confirm hours before you visit, click here.

Bookstore's Textbook Ordering
  • There is also a button at the bottom of the page to read about rental options.

Contact: 650-329-1217

Wifi Access

Continuing Studies students are welcome to use the new "Stanford Visitor" wireless network while on campus.  

To access the network, simply open a web browser on your computer.* If your computer presents a choice of wireless networks to you, select "Stanford Visitor" (not "Stanford".)

Students using the "Stanford Visitor" wireless network should keep these restrictions in mind: 

  • There is a session limit of 12 hours.
  • There is an idle timeout of four hours. If a wireless connection is idle for four hours, the session will be dropped and the client must re-connect to “Stanford Visitor.”
  • The maximum download speed is 1.5 mbps.
  • Access is limited to web browsing, email, SSH, and VPN.
  • SMTP (port 25) is blocked. Clients must use SMTP over SSL port 465 or 587.

*There is one issue for users of Mac OS 10.7.  If you are using Mac OS 10.7, a blank window addressed to www.apple.com will open instead of the portal access page. To remedy this problem, open a new web page and go to www.stanford.edu. The browser will be redirected to the Stanford Visitor portal. Click Accept. (In Safari, a window may pop open stating the certificate is invalid. Click Continue to proceed to the portal).