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Spring Quarter

Spring Registration Now Open
Most Classes Begin Mar 31
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Recordings, Presentations, and Resources Now Available!

In this free 2-day webinar, experienced instructors and staff from Stanford Online High School provided advice and strategies for coping with some of the prevalent obstacles facing those new to online pedagogy in 2020. The webinar addressed such challenges as student engagement and discussion (including for large groups, breakout rooms, and hybrid groups), effective communication with students and parents, assessment and curriculum adaptation for online pedagogy, and strategies for supporting both students and yourselves.

Day 1 focused on classroom-related topics, and Day 2 focuses on student support, strategies for communicating with parents, and self-care. The last half hour of each session was devoted to Q&A so that attendees can get some of their specific questions answered. Free and open to instructors specifically for grades 7-12, although elementary and college instructors may attend.
Anne Hruska
BA, Bryn Mawr College; PhD, University of California, Berkeley
Anne Hruska teaches English at Stanford Online High School; she teaches both middle school and high school classes. Her academic specialty is Russian literature. Before coming to SOHS, she taught for five years in Stanford’s Introduction to the Humanities program, and has also taught at U. C. Berkeley, the University of Missouri, and the Pedagogical Institute in Saratov, Russia.

Meg Lamont
AB, Brown University; PhD, University of California, Los Angeles
Meg Lamont is an assistant head of school at Stanford Online High School, where she is responsible for onboarding and training new instructors, most of whom do not come to the school with experience teaching online. She teaches English at SOHS, and served as Division Head of English before her current role. Before coming to SOHS, she was an assistant professor at North Carolina State University, where she taught medieval and Renaissance literature.

John Lanier
BS, University of Georgia; MA, University of Georgia; ABD, University of California, Berkeley
John Lanier teaches Latin at Stanford Online High School. John has taught Latin at all levels, including three years as the director of Berkeley's Summer Latin Workshop. At the University of Georgia and at Berkeley, John taught a wide variety of related subjects, including Classical Myth, Greek Religion, and Greek and Roman Civilization.

Available for instructors worldwide, this free course offered in July 2020 covers the essentials of online teaching. The five-day course covers general guidelines for adapting your course to an online format, best practices for varied situations, common pitfalls in online course design, and how to troubleshoot student issues online. VIEW RESOURCES & VIDEOS >>