TECH 46 — Beginning Programming in Python
Quarter: Spring
Instructor(s): Eli Lev
Date(s): Mar 31—Jun 2
Class Recording Available: Yes
Class Meeting Day: Mondays
Class Meeting Time: 5:30—7:20 pm (PT)
Please Note: No class on April 7 and May 26
Tuition: $530
Refund Deadline: Apr 2
Unit(s): 1
Enrollment Limit: 26
Status: Closed
Quarter: Spring
Day: Mondays
Duration: 8 weeks
Time: 5:30—7:20 pm (PT)
Date(s): Mar 31—Jun 2
Unit(s): 1
Tuition: $530
Refund Deadline: Apr 2
Instructor(s): Eli Lev
Enrollment Limit: 26
Recording Available: Yes
Status: Closed
Please Note: No class on April 7 and May 26
Designed for those with no experience in computer science, this introductory course will explore the world of programming by teaching students the fundamental syntax and meaning of the Python programming language. The course will introduce the general theories of computer programming and explore basic Python concepts. We will cover various concepts, including control structures, repetitive tasks/loops, arrays, lists, and functions, through a pragmatic course project. Finally, students will apply these skills to a budget-related project in which they will process a CSV file and generate proper categorization and totaling. By the end of the course, students will be able to write and build a program using Python and figure out how to solve a problem in a programmatic way.
No programming experience is necessary. Students must be familiar with computer basics.
Technology Manager, Stanford Continuing Studies
Eli Lev is a software developer with experience in government and private sector projects. He has taught continuing education courses for many years at Stanford, UC San Diego, and Foothill College. He received an MSEE from Johns Hopkins and is a certified project management professional (PMP). He also has Langevin certifications as a training manager/director, instructional designer/developer, and certified instructor/facilitator.
Textbooks for this course:
(Required) Al Sweigart, Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, 2nd ed (ISBN 978-1593279929 )