SCI 133 — Live Longer, Live Better: Exploring the Science of Aging
Quarter: Spring
Instructor(s): Ronjon Nag
Date(s): Apr 29—Jun 3
Class Recording Available: Yes
Class Meeting Day: Tuesdays
Class Meeting Time: 7:00—9:00 pm (PT)
Tuition: $425
Refund Deadline: May 1
Unit(s): 1
Status: Open
Quarter: Spring
Day: Tuesdays
Duration: 6 weeks
Time: 7:00—9:00 pm (PT)
Date(s): Apr 29—Jun 3
Unit(s): 1
Tuition: $425
Refund Deadline: May 1
Instructor(s): Ronjon Nag
Recording Available: Yes
Status: Open
Why do we get old? Is aging another disease that can ultimately be cured? Can our lifespans be extended? How are centenarians different from others? In this course, we will seek to unravel the mysteries controlling human lifespan by journeying through the science and technology of aging. We will begin by examining current theories explaining the process of aging. This includes an investigation into programmed longevity, which suggests organisms have an inherent set of genes that determines their lifespan, as well as the wear and tear theory, which claims the gradual accumulation of cell damage causes aging. We’ll then explore how men and women age differently (women experience menopause, with increased bone loss, whereas men tend to more quickly experience cognitive decline) and look at research programs at Stanford and elsewhere focused on aging science. We will conclude by examining innovations intended to improve the quality of life as we age, including how technology can help us live longer through enhanced monitoring, predictive diets, and exercise regimens; the ways that artificial intelligence can create robotic and software assistants; and even how we may be able to store our memories and personalities after we pass away. Students will leave this course with a fundamental understanding of human aging, its clinical relevance, and innovations to understand the aging process and treat issues associated with it.
No science background is required.
Adjunct Professor in Genetics, Stanford Medicine
Ronjon Nag has been building AI systems for 40 years and co-founded or advised companies sold to Motorola, RIM/BlackBerry, and Apple. He is a venture capitalist and president of the R42 Group, which invests in and creates AI and longevity companies. He teaches AI, genes, ethics, and venture capital at Stanford Medicine and is a visiting fellow at the Stanford Center for the Study of Language and Information. He received a PhD from Cambridge and is the 2024 Silicon Valley Engineering Hall of Fame inductee. Textbooks for this course:
There are no required textbooks; however, some fee-based online readings may be assigned.