ITA 03 — Beginning Italian: Part III
Quarter: Spring
Instructor(s): Giovanni Tempesta
Date(s): Apr 2—Jun 4
Class Recording Available: Yes
Class Meeting Day: Wednesdays
Class Meeting Time: 7:00—8:50 pm (PT)
Tuition: $560
Refund Deadline: Apr 4
Unit(s): 2
Enrollment Limit: 33
Status: Open
Quarter: Spring
Day: Wednesdays
Duration: 10 weeks
Time: 7:00—8:50 pm (PT)
Date(s): Apr 2—Jun 4
Unit(s): 2
Tuition: $560
Refund Deadline: Apr 4
Instructor(s): Giovanni Tempesta
Enrollment Limit: 33
Recording Available: Yes
Status: Open
This course is open to students who have completed two quarters of Italian in Continuing Studies as well as newcomers who can already converse in Italian about their home, family, and activities in the present and recent past and who can shop in Italian at the local market. Using a “building block” approach to teaching and learning, the course will help students progress rapidly in written and oral language, improving their conversational fluency with the aid of essential vocabulary and grammar. At the same time, Italian media such as videos, newspapers, and magazines will enhance students’ language skills and cultural knowledge. Students will receive a great deal of individualized attention tailored to their learning goals. By the end of the course, students will be able to read and order from an Italian menu and talk in detail about work and travel experiences.
Students must complete ITA 01: “Beginning Italian: Part I” and ITA 02: “Beginning Italian: Part II” or have comparable experience prior to enrolling in this course.
Advanced Lecturer in Italian, Stanford
Giovanni Tempesta has been at Stanford since 1983 and has taught at all levels of language instruction. He is the author of the Italian grammar book Questa bellissima lingua italiana, impariamola insieme! He has also published an Italian translation of Robert Service’s The Cremation of Sam McGee and Other Verses, a collection of his own poetry in Italian, Acque, lutulente e chiare (Waters, Muddy and Clear), and a collection of short stories in Italian and English, A Cena con Fluffy (Dinner with Fluffy). Textbooks for this course:
(Required) Suzanne Branciforte, PARLIAMO ITALIANO, 5th Edition (ISBN 978-1543374087)