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CW 19 WC — The Creative Habit: Cultivate a Daily Writing Practice

Quarter: Spring
Instructor(s): Malena Watrous
Duration: 5 weeks
Location: Online
Date(s): Apr 2—Apr 30
Class Recording Available: Yes
Class Meeting Day: Wednesdays
Grade Restriction: No letter grade
Class Meeting Time: 12:00—1:00 pm (PT)
Tuition: $400
Refund Deadline: Apr 4
Unit(s): 1
Enrollment Limit: 125
Status: Open
Quarter: Spring
Day: Wednesdays
Duration: 5 weeks
Time: 12:00—1:00 pm (PT)
Date(s): Apr 2—Apr 30
Unit(s): 1
Location: Online
Tuition: $400
Refund Deadline: Apr 4
Instructor(s): Malena Watrous
Grade Restriction: No letter grade
Enrollment Limit: 125
Recording Available: Yes
Status: Open
Creativity comes naturally to us from childhood, but “real life” often gets in the way, with its critical voices and practical concerns squashing the impulse to put our ideas on paper and make art. Even if you can’t remember the last time you wrote anything beyond an email, text, or grocery list, the seeds of creativity are still inside you and need only a little coaxing to flourish again. Writing just a little every day not only takes away the anxiety of the blank page, but it also makes you more observant, more in touch with your surroundings as well as your imagination, and happier as a result. Every weekday for five weeks, you will receive a prompt, from which you should freewrite for 30–60 minutes (or whatever you can spare). These daily prompts will encourage you to sustain a creative flow while trying new techniques in creative nonfiction, fiction, and simple poetic forms. This course is for those who want to write without inhibition and have fun without an evaluative component. If you choose, you may post your writing in a thread to give and receive peer feedback and submit one 500-word piece each week for gentle instructor feedback. We will forge a creative community and find the quality of heightened awareness that comes from using creative writing as a way of being more present in the world.

Because of the high enrollment capacity, students will not receive instructor feedback on daily writing posts. Since most of the learning in this course takes place asynchronously in threaded discussions on the Canvas classroom site, the live Zoom sessions are limited to 60 minutes per week.

Section WC and Section WD of “The Creative Habit: Cultivate a Daily Writing Practice” have the same objective—to foster a daily practice—but use different daily prompts. Students may register for Section WC or WD, or for both.

Writing Certificate Lead and Creative Writing Coordinator, Stanford Continuing Studies

Malena Watrous is the author of the novel If You Follow Me and co-author of the novel Sparked and the cookbooks My Mexico City Kitchen and Scandinavian from Scratch. She has contributed to The New York Times and the San Francisco Chronicle, among other publications. Watrous was a Stegner Fellow at Stanford and received an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, where she was a Truman Capote Fellow.

Textbooks for this course:

There are no required textbooks; however, some fee-based online readings may be assigned.