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EDU 07 — Parenting for Calm in a Chaotic World

Quarter: Spring
Instructor(s): Denise Pope
Duration: 4 weeks
Format/Location: Live Online
Date(s): May 16—Jun 6
Class Recording Available: Yes
Class Meeting Day: Thursdays
Grade Restriction: NGR only; no credit/letter grade
Class Meeting Time: 5:30—7:00 pm (PT)
Tuition: $290
Refund Deadline: May 18
Unit(s): 0
Status: Open
Quarter: Spring
Day: Thursdays
Duration: 4 weeks
Time: 5:30—7:00 pm (PT)
Date(s): May 16—Jun 6
Unit(s): 0
Format/Location: Live Online
Tuition: $290
Refund Deadline: May 18
Instructor(s): Denise Pope
Grade Restriction: NGR only; no credit/letter grade
Recording Available: Yes
Status: Open
Raising a child today is a juggling act, requiring parents to grapple with the intricacies of screen time, academic demands, and the pursuit of their children's overall happiness. This fast-paced existence too often places kids under undue performance pressure and stress, resulting in burnout, disengagement, and unhealthy life patterns. How much help is too much when it comes to homework? How do I decide which extracurricular activities are best? Is it okay for my 13-year-old to be on social media every day? How can I get my kid to help with chores?

This course is designed for parents who seek solutions to parenting dilemmas and aspire to raise healthier, happier children while fostering stronger family connections. Drawing on research from education, psychology, and medicine, parents will learn strategies to promote physical and mental health, engagement in school, and overall well-being for their children in elementary and middle school. In each lively session, we will explore practical, research-based strategies that parents can put into practice immediately. These proven methods can alleviate common struggles at home and at school, and may also reduce stress and disengagement, enhancing your child's well-being, resilience, and curiosity.

Senior Lecturer, Stanford Graduate School of Education; Co-Founder, Challenge Success

Denise Pope specializes in curriculum studies, service learning, student engagement, school reform, and qualitative research methods. She is particularly interested in students' voices and perspectives of school. Pope focuses on academic stress and its consequences for students' mental and physical health, engagement with learning, and integrity. She co-founded Challenge Success to partner with schools and families to implement research-based strategies for student well-being and engagement. Pope is the author of "Doing School": How We Are Creating a Generation of Stressed Out, Materialistic, and Miseducated Students, which was awarded Notable Book in Education by the American School Board Journal in 2001. She is a co-author of Overloaded and Underprepared: Strategies for Stronger Schools and Healthy, Successful Kids. She lectures nationally on parenting techniques and pedagogical strategies to increase student well-being. Pope received a PhD in education from Stanford.

Textbooks for this course:

(Recommended) Denise Pope, Maureen Brown, and Sarah Miles, Overloaded and Underprepared: Strategies for Stronger Schools and Healthy, Successful Kids (ISBN 978-1119022442)